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Showing posts from June 7, 2015

Do You Really Know What An Open Marriage Is? Its NOT What You Think!

Try to wrap your head around this for a moment. You have been dating some one for a while now, your in love and both decide it's time to get married. You have a big wedding, go on your honeymoon, you have kids, the house and even a dog. After a few years or so go by -- you decide you want an open marriage/relationship -- you tell me this; Whats the use of getting married in the first place -- if you wanted to be with some one else. It sounds like you want have your cake and eat it too!  You may think, like I did, that an open marriage means you are simply open to having sex with other partners. But as we dug deeper into the reality, the desires and the fears that come with the territory -- we realized it is not that simple. What's inside an open marriage? - CNN   CNNWhat's inside an open marriage?CNNA new dating website, Open Minded, is creating buzz because it's designed not for cheaters but for people who want open relationships...