If you are in a bad relationship the best thing you could do for yourself is get out of it as soon as you can. Absolutely no one deserves to be unhappy. I know you feel like you are all alone in the world but the first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone and there are people and resources you can tap into that can help you. Use these resources to help you make a plan to get away. Ask family to help you store some things or give you a safe place to stay until you can get on your feet again. If you think you have enough time, try to save some money so you have a little to start you out. If you can't do this and have no family to help there are shelters that are available for you to take advantage of. Leaving a bad relationship is scary but it will be the best thing you have ever done and will give you the confidence to get on with your life, especially if you have children to watch out for. Be strong and find the courage to walk out the door and do not look ba...
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