Mike was at a loss as to how to get an ex girlfriend back. Suzie had dumped him saying that he was a slob. Mike and Suzie had been talking about moving in together and Suzie said she realized that she just wasn’t able to take a relationship to the next level when the partner couldn’t even maintain his own hygiene. Now Mike was at a loss about how to get an ex girlfriend back. Mike took a careful assessment of himself. He noted that he often didn’t shave on the weekends. He hadn’t had a haircut in 8 weeks. Suzie had often casually mentioned that he might want to get a manicure but he dismissed this as “girl stuff.” He also looked around his apartment and realized that it was a pig sty. No wonder Suzie hadn’t wanted to set up housekeeping with him! Armed with this crucial information about himself, he decided that he needed to win Suzie over. The question was how to get an ex girlfriend back. While Mike wasn’t very good at cleaning himself, he did hire a housekeeping service to d...
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