The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to step on their toes. And being married to someone certainly puts you in close quarters. So the chances are good that you and your spouse have sore feet. Okay, that was my best joke of today. The point is that it's NORMAL for you and your spouse to get in each others way and for those "misses" to cause hurt...sometimes serious hurt. Did your spouse hurt you? Have you made mistakes that hurt your spouse ? Except in the case of physical abuse, you can "move on" from anything. In fact, your marriage can end up even BETTER! I're probably thinking, "Better? How could it be better than before we screwed up?" It CAN be better, but you have to do one thing first. You have to forgive . What does it REALLY mean to forgive? Many people will say, " I forgive you ," but continue to harbor anger in their heart. Some people say the words, but it's obvious from their act...
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