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Showing posts from July 26, 2009

I Miss My Ex Boyfriend - How To Cope

Are you missing your ex boyfriend and wondering what you’re going to do? Losing a boyfriend is a painful thing, especially if you really love him. And unfortunately, this is a common cry these days. You have to decide when the time comes to stop saying, that you miss your ex boyfriend!and start saying, I’m going to get my boyfriend back! if that's what you want to do. It’s hard enough to be missing him without having to worry about strategies to get him back, but they’re important. These strategies will work even if there’s no chance of you getting back together. They’ll work by helping you feel better about yourself and your situation. It might not be easy to face the fact that you may not get back together, no matter what you do, and that’s normal. While you’d probably rather hear about that surefire method of getting your boyfriend back, there is no such magic bullet. No one thing is going to miraculously work for every split up couple. If that were the case, then everyone would...

Do I Want My Wife Back - The Question Is Can You Get Her

“Do I want my wife back?” you may ask. Many people have a blanket answer for such questions—no. But they’re not always right, and they can’t know your specific information. They might have been hurt before and think it’s just best to move on after a breakup. If you ask them, “Do I want my wife back?” they’ll tell you what’s over is over and that there are plenty of fish in the sea. But you can’t let people who have had setbacks and disappointment in love affect your determination. They’re bound to have a negative attitude. And it’s important that you have a positive attitude right now. If you answer “Do I want my wife back?” with a strong yes, then you’re really going to have to keep a good attitude. Once you break up, it’s hard to get back together. If you’re still together and you realize things are going bad, it’s much easier to intervene then and save a relationship than if you want until the split has already occurred. That’s not to say that it’s hopeless after you break up, thoug...