Everyone tells lies sometimes. (We’re human, after all.) Especially in relationships. Sure, plenty are harmless, little white lies told with the best intentions (“No honey, of course your butt doesn’t look big in those jeans” comes to mind…). But some lies are so big, so pervasive, so utterly destructive, that they can completely sabotage relationships between even the most compatible couples. So what IS the one Lie that kills every relationship? Is it claiming to be committed and monogamous when you’re really not? Is it keeping secrets about the past (your number of exes, a past marriage perhaps)? Is it pretending to like the same things – even believe the same way about fundamental matters (like finances and faith) – when you actually don’t? Is it saying “I love you” when you’re really not sure? All really good guesses, but according to world-renowned relationship expert Paige Parker, none of these is the correct answer. In fact, the #1 Lie is...
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