Is your marriage in crisis? Would you know it if it was? Do you recognize the warning signs? A marriage in crisis can sometimes disguise itself as a normal but slightly boring marriage until it’s too late to change it and save it. You have to pay attention to all the signs of health in your marriage to make sure your partnership is going strong. First, look at how often you have sex. While sex isn’t the whole point of the marriage—it’s much more important than just that—it’s a crucial part of a healthy marriage. A marriage in crisis is usually pretty easy to spot by looking at your sex lives. Do you have sex infrequently? Is it a big, scheduled deal when you do have sex? Have you stopped having sex spontaneously just when you feel like it? When sex becomes a scheduled activity, a marriage can certainly recover. In fact, most marriages go through a phase very much like that when a baby is born. Each child makes it more and more difficult to find the time to spend with our partner over a...
Is your marriage or relationship you are in on the brink of catastrophe? This blog reveals powerful, practical tips to save your relationship. Learn techniques to rekindle intimacy, foster understanding, resolve conflicts, and recapture the spark. With tailored advice for modern couples, discover how to prioritize quality time, heal past hurts, and rediscover your love. Don't lose hope! Get the essential tools you need to revive your partnership. Reinvigorate your bond today.