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Showing posts from July 19, 2009

What to Do After Marriage to Avoid Ruining Your Relationship

After marriage, many relationships begin to stumble and fall. This doesn't seem like the way it should go. Marriage is supposed to be a great and glorious thing, and much of the time it's exactly that, but the period after marriage can also be a dangerous one for many people. The problem is that before marriage, the relationship was always building towards something. In the early days, you looked forward to the next date. Then you were looking forward to all the little events that make up the beginnings of a relationship. Meeting the parents, meeting the friends, all those little first that make up a life. After all that, you start looking forward to the big events. You move in together, and that's a big thing. Then you start looking forward to the wedding, to the rest of your life. Then you get married. After marriage, things change. After marriage, you start to wonder if this is all there. Most of the little events that you look forward to have happened and all you're...

Relationship Questions You Need To Ask

If you want to fix your relationship, then you need to ask the right question. Relationship repair can be tricky in the best of times, which is why you need to know the right questions to ask your mate, to get the information you need to repair what has been broken. This is not necessarily an easy thing to do. Most of us won't want to ask these questions, relationship problems or not. This is because the natural human reaction to do things is to try and avoid the problem as much as possible. But relationship problems will not fix themselves. You need to make the effort to fix them, not wait for your mate to magically come around. You are the one who has realized there is a problem, and this means that you have to be the one to do the work to fix it. Whether you like it or not, it's become your responsibility. Which brings us to the questions. Relationship questions are not easy to ask, but the answers will be worthwhile. This is the information you need to do the work that will...